2023 DAPPX Roadmap Updates

2023 DAPPX Roadmap Updates

Hello DAPPX Community!

We would like to share our newly updated DAPPX roadmap this 2023. We are pleased to inform you that some of the targets in the DAPPX roadmap have been successfully completed. While the others are reprogrammed to be accomplished in other quarters.

Moreover, keep an eye out for the “NEW” and “HOT” tickets coming soon!

Take note that we are always moving forward to achieve our vision and short- and medium-term goals.

Thank you!

DAPPX Roadmap 2023


Do you want to earn money innovatively by playing games? Then visit DAPPX and learn more about the exciting ways it offers to earn passive income.

DAPPX is a Steam-like platform and game launcher developed by Acent. It enables users to earn money by playing games through $DAPPX rewards that are exchangeable to USDT in KuCoin. All games are available in both Freenet and Livenet modes.

DAPPX will be supported by the Osiris Desktop INterface (ODIN), the underlying technology that enables decentralized assets to operate in a high-performance environment. DAPPX provides scalable speed and data processing for applications that facilitate the mass adoption of decentralized ecosystems.

DAPPX also serves as a marketplace for decentralized applications and NFT assets, where both users and developers will be given access to sign up and submit their digital assets and dApps.

All these features of DAPPX are made possible by the powerful meta-web services provided by the Acent blockchain technology. 

Stay glued to our community if you do not want to miss NFT airdrops and staking opportunities!

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