Key Statistics for Indie Game Developers to Succeed in the Gaming Industry in 2024

Discover the important statistics that indie game developers should know to maximize their profit in the gaming industry in 2024 and beyond.


  • The gaming industry is projected to reach a market value of $200 billion by the end of 2023, indicating significant growth opportunities for indie game developers.
  • Indie game developers can expect to earn around $70,000 per year as entry-level developers in the mobile game development industry.
  • Key players in the gaming industry, such as Tencent, generate substantial game revenues.
  • The “Download Games” segment is expected to be the most lucrative revenue segment for indie game developers in the coming years.
  • Twitch TV has become a popular avenue for gamers during the pandemic. However, it has registered a significant decline in 2023.


The gaming industry is projected to reach a market value of $384 billion by the end of 2023, according to Statista. However, per October 2023 datafrom the Global Games Market Report, the gaming industry will hit only $184.0 billion in revenue by the end of this year, with +0.6% growth year-on-year.

The market is expected to experience a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% between 2019 and 2024, resulting in a value of $218.7 billion in 2024. exceeding the $200 billion mark in 2023.

From $175.8 billion in 2021 to almost $200 billion in 2023, Newzoo is positive that the global game market will continue to increase.

This significant market value highlights the immense growth opportunities available for indie game developers. With the increasing popularity of gaming across various platforms, including mobile, console, and PC, indie game developers have a chance to tap into a vast and lucrative market.

Indie game developers can profit from their creations as the gaming industry’s revenue is expected to continue its upward trajectory. Factors such as the increasing number of gamers worldwide, advancements in technology, and the rise of mobile gaming drive this growth.

By understanding market value and growth opportunities, indie game developers can strategize and position themselves for success in the gaming industry.

Key Statistics for Indie Game Developers

Game Developer Salary

For indie game developers, it is crucial to understand the earning potential in the gaming industry. Typically, entry-level game developers in the mobile game development industry can expect to earn around $70,000 per year, while mid-level game developers can earn upwards of $100,000 per year. These salary figures provide insight into the financial rewards that indie game developers can strive for in the industry.

It is important to note that salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and the success of the games developed. As indie game developers gain more experience and recognition, their earning potential can increase significantly. Furthermore, game sales can also contribute to the overall income of indie game developers. By understanding the potential salary range, indie game developers can set realistic expectations and plan their financial goals accordingly.

Gaming Revenue and Key Players

The gaming industry generates significant revenue, and understanding the key players can help indie game developers identify potential partnerships and opportunities. Companies like Tencent, known for their popular games like “League of Legends” and “Honor of Kings,” generate substantial game revenues. Tencent’s success in the gaming industry showcases the potential for profit and success in the market.

Here are some of the top key indie game players in 2023:

  1. Supergiant Games: Known for their critically acclaimed games such as “Bastion,” “Transistor,” and “Hades,” Supergiant Games has gained a reputation for their unique storytelling and immersive gameplay experiences.
  2. ConcernedApe: The developer behind the popular farming simulation game “Stardew Valley,” ConcernedApe, also known as Eric Barone, has achieved great success with his solo-developed game.
  3. Team Cherry: Team Cherry is the studio behind the atmospheric and challenging game “Hollow Knight.” Their attention to detail and captivating world design have earned them a dedicated fanbase.
  4. Toby Fox: Toby Fox gained recognition for his indie RPG “Undertale,” which became a cult hit for its innovative gameplay mechanics and memorable characters.
  5. Mojang Studios: Although Mojang Studios is now owned by Microsoft, they started as an indie game developer and achieved tremendous success with their sandbox game “Minecraft.”
  6. Coffee Stain Studios: Coffee Stain Studios is known for their unique and quirky games, including “Goat Simulator” and “Satisfactory.”
  7. Studio MDHR: Studio MDHR is the developer behind the challenging and visually stunning game “Cuphead,” which pays homage to 1930s cartoons.
  8. Hello Games: Hello Games gained recognition for their ambitious open-world exploration game “No Man’s Sky,” which has seen significant updates and improvements.

Indie game developers can learn from the strategies employed by these successful companies in the gaming industry. By studying their approaches to monetization, marketing, and game development, indie game developers can gain valuable insights and apply them to their own projects. Collaborating with established players in the industry or leveraging their platforms can also provide indie game developers with greater visibility and access to a wider audience.

Revenue Segments

Different revenue segments within the gaming industry offer unique opportunities for indie game developers. Indie game developers are expected to find the “Download Games” segment the most lucrative in the coming years. This segment includes games that users can download and play on various platforms. By focusing on developing downloadable games, indie game developers can tap into a revenue stream with high growth potential.

The rise of digital distribution platforms, such as Steam, Epic Games Store, and mobile app stores, has made it easier for indie game developers to reach a global audience and monetize their games. By creating compelling and innovative downloadable games, indie developers have the opportunity to generate significant revenue through game sales, in-app purchases, and microtransactions. It is important for indie game developers to understand the preferences of their target audience and tailor their games to meet their expectations.

Gamer Demographics and Trends

Understanding gamer demographics and staying updated on gaming trends are crucial for indie game developers to succeed in the competitive gaming industry.

In 2023, an estimated 3.26 billion individuals, or approximately 41% of the world’s population, will be actively involved in video game activities.

By analyzing their demographic data, such as age groups, gender distribution, and gaming preferences, indie game developers can tailor their games to target specific audiences. This targeted approach can help indie game developers create games that resonate with their target market and increase their chances of success.

Rise of mobile gaming

In 2022, mobile games accounted for 51% of global revenues in the gaming industry, surpassing console games (25%) and PC games (24%). The mobile gaming market share reached $92 billion out of the total $184 billion generated in 2022 by all types of games.

Furthermore, smartphone games accounted for 45% of video gaming revenue worldwide in 2022. The mobile gaming industry is projected to continue its growth, with a projected CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 12.3% through 2030. By 2030, the industry’s worth is estimated to reach up to $338 billion.

These statistics indicate the increasing popularity and market dominance of mobile gaming. With the advancements in technology and the widespread availability of smartphones, it is expected that the mobile gaming market will continue to expand in the coming years.

Integration of virtual reality

The integration of virtual reality (VR) into the gaming industry has shown significant growth and potential. According to market research reports, the global VR game market was valued at USD 6.27 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 29.24 billion by 2028. In 2020, the VR gaming market size was USD 6.26 billion.

Asia-Pacific has the largest share in VR gaming, with India, South Korea, China, and Indonesia contributing to this status. Experts predict that this trend will persist until 2030.

Virtual reality share by region (Source: Market Research future)

The increasing adoption of VR technology in gaming can be attributed to several factors. One of the key drivers is the advancement in cloud technology, which has enabled seamless integration of VR into games. This integration has enhanced the immersive experience for gamers, allowing them to engage more deeply with virtual worlds.

Furthermore, the rising demand for realistic and immersive gaming experiences also fuels the market growth of VR in gaming. VR technology provides players with a sense of presence and interactivity, creating a more immersive and captivating gaming environment.

Virtual reality share by compatibility (Source: Market Research future)

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has also contributed to the growth of VR gaming. With people spending more time at home, the demand for entertainment and gaming experiences has increased. VR gaming offers a unique and engaging form of entertainment that can be enjoyed from the comfort of home.

Based on these trends and statistics, the VR gaming market is expected to continue its growth trajectory as more gamers seek immersive and realistic gaming experiences. By 2030, experts project that the market size will reach USD 74.61594 billion, growing at a CAGR of 4.72%. The integration of cloud technology with VR is anticipated to play a significant role in driving this growth.

Popularity of eSports

The global esports enthusiast and viewer size was around 435.7 million in 2020, with a projected growth of over 640.8 million by 2025.

Esports has gained mainstream recognition and is becoming increasingly popular. The industry has seen a surge in awareness, with global awareness of esports rising to 1.28 billion in 2017 before reaching 1.43 billion in 2018 and 1.8 billion in 2019. With the participation of 530.4 million Chinese, global awareness of eSports can reach billions. The competitive gaming scene has become more prominent, attracting a growing number of enthusiasts.

Source: Newzoo

Esports statistics indicate the industry’s growth and impact. The popularity of esports has led to increased viewership, with millions of fans tuning in to watch esports events and tournaments. The viewership data showcases the engagement and interest in esports as a form of entertainment. According to Global Web Index data, the largest share of esports viewers (i.e. 32%) are from 16-24 years old followed by 25-25 years old.

Source: Global Web Index Data

The esports industry is constantly evolving and expanding. It has become a lucrative market, attracting investments from various sectors. The future of esports looks promising, with continued growth expected in terms of audience size, revenue, and overall market expansion.

Overall, the popularity of esports is evident through the increasing number of gamers, growing awareness, and rising viewership. The industry’s potential for growth and its impact on the entertainment landscape make it an exciting and dynamic sector to watch.


Who would ever think that Twitch TV will become a game changer in the gaming industry?

Twitch is a live streaming service that provides many online entertainment options along with gaming video content (GVC). Users may watch their favorite gamers in action and speak with them using this service, which works with a variety of devices and operating systems. More than twice as many minutes were spent on Twitch than on YouTube Gaming Live and Facebook Gaming combined in 2022, when the platform saw 1.35 trillion minutes viewed.

According to Statista, the highest peak for Twitch was during the pandemic, particularly the 1st quarter of 2021, with almost $101.54 million in revenue. Combining the 2020 and 2021 pandemic hype, Twitch’s total revenue reached $576.79 million. However, this has significantly declined in 2023. 

For the year 2023, the revenue generated in the first quarter was $31.53 million, and in the second quarter, it was $29.95 million.This is a significant drop in revenue compared to $164.96 million revenue in 2022.

As of August 2023, the total number of active Twitch streamers is 7.58 million. As for the usage statistics, in 2022, Twitch had an average of 2.58 million concurrent viewers.

Source: Statistica

Nevertheless, Twitch can indeed help indie game developers succeed in 2024. As an online streaming platform dedicated to gaming, Twitch provides a unique opportunity for developers to showcase their games and engage with potential players. By streaming their gameplay or hosting live development sessions, indie game developers can attract an audience and generate interest in their projects.

The ability to connect with streamers who have an established audience can play and promote indie games to their viewers, providing valuable exposure and potentially driving sales. Engaging with streamers during the active development phase and building a campaign on Twitch from announcement through launch can significantly boost a game’s visibility.


For the year 2023, the revenue generated in the first quarter was $31.53 million, and in the second quarter, it was $29.95 million.This is a significant drop in revenue compared to $164.96 million revenue in 2022.

As the gaming industry continues to grow, indie game developers have ample opportunities to succeed and profit. By leveraging key statistics, such as market value, game developer salaries, gaming revenue, revenue segments, and gamer demographics, indie game developers can make informed decisions and develop games that resonate with the target audience. Staying updated on gaming trends and understanding the strategies employed by successful companies in the industry will further enhance the chances of success for indie game developers.

Additionally, staying informed about emerging trends, such as the rise of mobile gaming, the integration of virtual reality, and the popularity of esports, can help indie game developers stay ahead of the curve. Furthermore, Twitch offers dedicated communities and channels specifically for game developers. These communities provide a platform for developers to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. This can be a valuable resource for indie developers looking to learn from others, gain feedback on their games, and find support within the game development community.

By incorporating these trends into their game development strategies, indie game developers can create games that appeal to the current market demands. Adapting to changing gamer preferences and embracing new technologies can give indie game developers a competitive edge in the industry.


1. What is the projected market value of the gaming industry in 2023?

  • The gaming industry is projected to reach a market value of $200 billion by the end of 2023.

2. How much can indie game developers earn as entry-level developers in the mobile game development industry?

  • Indie game developers can expect to earn around $70,000 per year as entry-level developers in the mobile game development industry.

3. Which revenue segment is expected to be the most lucrative for indie game developers?

  • The “Download Games” segment is expected to be the most lucrative revenue segment for indie game developers.

4. What are some key players in the gaming industry that indie game developers should be aware of?

  • Tencent is one of the key players in the gaming industry, known for generating substantial game revenue.

5. Why is understanding gamer demographics and trends important for indie game developers?

  • Understanding gamer demographics and trends helps indie game developers tailor their games to target specific audiences and stay ahead of the competition.

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