DAPPX, the Steam of blockchain-based games, aims to disrupt the industry by providing a high-performing play-to-earn game publishing platform designed for gamers, non-gamers, and developers alike. It offers fast and easy-to-access compensation for everyone through direct and indirect payment rewards such as staking, free-to-play, and esports game earnings.
Furthermore, DAPPX strives to enhance the gaming experience by providing users with an immersive play-to-earn gaming environment. Leveraging state-of-the-art game publishing features and adhering to best practices for AAA game development, DAPPX invites all P2E game developers to publish high-quality games with them that offer players a premium gaming experience.
Recently, DAPPX added AI technology to its platform for non-gamers. Through its DAPPX Image Gen, DAPPX Video Gen, and DAPPX Audio Music Gen, users will be able to build digital collectibles that they can use in their branding elements, social media content or profiles, and in building a community of AI art enthusiasts.
DAPPX is the only platform in the market that seamlessly combines gaming, earning, AI, and blockchain technology, creating a unique ecosystem for users. It serves as a platform where gamers can play and earn rewards, all while participating in a thriving digital economy.
DAPPX Economy

dAppstore presenta dos economía de fichas.
- Lado de dAppstore: los usuarios pueden usar el token de dAppstore como un producto y una tarifa por usar la DApp. Dado que dAppstore es un token con volatilidad de precios, el usuario puede comprar un cupón de dAppstore que se puede estimar a la par con moneda fiduciaria o token de dAppstore y usar la DApp. Además, los tokens adquiridos mediante el uso de dAppstore se pueden vender en un intercambio o transferirse a una billetera personal.
- Lado criptográfico: el token de dAppstore se puede cambiar a Bitcoin o cualquier moneda alternativa a través del protocolo de intercambio criptográfico (OCÉANO). Hacer staking del token dAppstore es viable a través de un navegador web, o intercambiar NFT en los mercados Defi derivados del navegador Osiris.
A medida que más servicios esperan estar a bordo con dAppstore en el futuro, la economía de fichas de DAPPX continuará expandiéndose. A medida que aumenta la cantidad de liquidez del token, la economía de tokens en dAppstore naturalmente se volverá más sólida.