COBA Royale: a third person shooter (TPS) play-to-earn (P2E) game that will invade your 2023!

COBA Royale TPS shooting game P2E

Are you ready to earn big while playing immersive third person shooter (TPS) games this 2023? Check out COBA Royale – one of the promising TPS play-to-earn game published on DAPPX!

What are Third Person Shooter Games?

Third person shooter games or TPS games are some of the most popular games on modern consoles and have been gaining traction for quite some time now. These games provide fun and immersive gaming experiences. As the name implies, TPS games are viewed from the third-person perspective, giving players the real sense of the gameplay map or open world from all angles.

Third Person Shooter vs. First Person Shooter (TPS vs. FPS): Which one is better?

The difference and benefits of playing TPS vis-a-vis first person shooter (FPS) games depends on the perspective of what the player wants to play. Nevertheless let’s summarized the benefits of playing FPS into three:

Firstly, in contrast to the popular first person shooter gameplays such as Counter Strike Global Offensive, Master Chief Collection, Combat Evolved, etc., which can only see their hands nad weapons, TPS gamers are able to see the character they are controlling even their body parts. It could be an over-the-shoulder or behind-the-back perspective. FPS, on the other hand, see through the perspective of your character. Because of this, there’s no “game camera” that you can manipulate to get a better view of the world around you.

Second, TPS players also can view the environment from all angles, thus they gain a better understanding of the gameplay map. This can be especially exciting and fun for a tactical shooter. For an FPS player, he/she would not know whether an enemy is hiding around a corner, unless he/she peeks from his/her hiding place.

And third, while the first game could probably have no difference in the level of visual comfort, the players will later see the difference after many rounds.

Depending on the game, players choose TPS over FPS because of its exciting mechanics that make them challenging and rewarding for players. They often feature powerful weapons, or fusing them for power ups, and challenging opponents, allowing their own special abilities to come out during the gameplay.

Fortnite of Epic Games is probably one of the most popular TPS games out there. It gained tremendous success over the years, thanks to its fast-paced, action-packed gameplay. In Fortnite, players take on the role of a character and battle it out against other players in an open-world environment. In terms of visual gameplay though, Fortnight is presented in cartoon art rather than real-time graphics.


Its intense competitor, Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment tagged as the modern shooter is also one of the popular free-to-play TPS game modes that one could find on the market. Apex Legends puts players in the shoes of a character and pits them against other players in an intense battle royale experience. Apex Legends features a wide variety of weapons and tools, as well as a unique building system that allows players to customize their characters and create their own structures.

Apex Legends

However, to earn from Fortnite and Apex Legends, players have to stream, bet on esports tournaments, be an affiliate marketer, get tips from fans through patreon accounts, sell their merchandise, coach on other players, and others. Though they can buy and sell a weapon, a weapon can be lost in the server since it is not a digital asset. Rewards on the game also have no real-world value on the market since they are not backed up by blockchain technology.

COBA Royale: the Newest Blood of Third Person Battle Royale

COBA Royale is a new TPS battle royale game that was released in the last quarter of 2022 on the DAPPX platform. Unlike previous games mentioned, COBA Royale is a play-to-earn allowing players to earn rewards for their in-game activity. It has a simple game mechanic: have fun and earn! No streaming required. No affiliate marketing required whatsoever. Early access gamers can take advantage of the #DAPPX that can so far be gained from its free-to-play game mode.

COBA Royale

This 2023, instead of $DAPPXcurrency, COBA Royale will reward NFTs to winners from the Freenet that can be used in the Livenet and can be traded in any NFT marketplace. These NFTs can be converted to overpowered weapons when they fuse with other weapons through its in-game token called Zera. Players can play solo for now with another opponent (1 vs. 1) while the DAPPX team is preparing the COBA Royale to be teamed up to three friends to play the game (3 vs.3).

This year, COBA Royale will also feature an esports tournament which employs some mechanics that’ll resemble survival games. But unlike other traditional reward systems where only one winner wins, COBA Royale esports tournament grants reward to the top 33% winners – the price of which is according to their game rank. So start playing COBA Royale on the Freenet and gain experience while you earn $DAPPX rewards from your winnings.

COBA Royale can be accessed from DAPPX-ODIN, a Steam-like platform for P2E games. It has realistic graphic animations as it is developed from Unreal Engine 5, making it a Triple A application with an immersive gaming experience similar to that of the Grand Theft Auto.

Acent blockchain: the fast and secure network for your TPS P2E gameplays

COBA Royale is published on the DAPPX platform that is powered by the Acent blockchain technology.

The Acent blockchain is a new base technology that supports play-to-earn games. This technology join forces with the DAPPX platform to allow developers to publish their games as P2E without writing a single line code of Solidity.

The Acent blockchain is designed for mass blockchain adoption initially through play-to-earn games. It runs it own powerful Web 3.0 meta-browser which can render high gaming applications and can process voluminous transactions. It has a built-in multi-crypto wallet called the Acent metawallet which is integrated with P2E platforms such as DAPPX – the Steam of P2E games, Your Earth DAO – a live-to-earn platform, and DappArcade. In fact, players can access DAPPX P2E platform directly from the Acent metawallet.

Additionally, Acent Blockchain has the potential to provide developers with more control over the game economy, allowing them to create games with more balanced and interesting tokenomics. This would make the games more competitive and rewarding for players. More importantly, it allows developers to create games that are more secure, transparent, and rewarding for players. As such, this new technology has the potential to revolutionize the way TPS are developed and played.


TPS are some of the most popular games and for good reasons. These games put you in the shoes of a character and provide an immersive gaming experience. Additionally, TPS often contain mechanics that make them more challenging and rewarding for players.

This 2023, the COBA Royale team will deliver the best third person shooter play–to-earn game that will top similar gameplay in this field. First person shooters and those who love an action adventure game can also expect the same level of excitement on COBA Royale through its unique reward system and high-end graphics.

We can also assume that the best TPS games to play in 2023 and beyond are those powered by blockchain technology with immersive storyline that can reward players with cryptocurrency for their in-game activity.

If you are fond of third person shooter games, you should install DAPPX’ dedicated browser to experience the newest blockchain based COBA Royale – (TPS) play-to-earn (P2E) game and get that refreshing change from your typical video games!

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