Best Practices for AAA Game Development

This blog discusses the best practices for AAA game development, which would help game developers design high-quality games. It will also discuss how DAPPX’s game publishing features can add value to the premium gaming experience.


  • Producing AAA or Triple-A games is an expensive and complex process. 
  • Game developers wanting to produce quality AAA games can adhere to the 10 best practices discussed in this blog for a consistent and enjoyable gaming experience across all devices. 
  • Game designers who intend to integrate play-to-earn and blockchain-based game features into their game mechanics may utilize DAPPX as a launchpad for their games and applications.
  • Aside from launchpad, the DAPPX publishing platform offers tokenization, the NFT marketplace, and access to marketing and inventory services, among others. 

What Is an AAA or Triple-A Game?

The term “AAA” originated from the movie industry, where it was used to describe the highest-budget films produced by major studios. Similarly, in the gaming industry, AAA games are produced by major game development studios. Game developers are usually required to put significant investments of time, money, and resources. Among the popular titles in this field are Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and Assassin’s Creed.

Grand Theft Auto (Source:

How complex is AAA game development?

AAA game development is a complex process that involves several stages, such as concept creation, game design, programming, alpha and beta testing, and launching. The best games on the market are often said to have a whole game production team working on game code, game objects, bug fixes, etc. 

While Triple-A games are expected to be of high quality, there is no guarantee that they will be well received by all players. What one player considers a high-quality game may not be the same for another player. Developing a triple-A game is a complex process that involves multiple stages, stakeholders, and variables that can positively or negatively impact the game’s quality. 

And of course, we cannot discount the fact that having a good publishing platform with an effective marketing strategy to attract users is one of the major factors for having success in this field.

That being said, game developers who follow best practices, conduct thorough testing, and prioritize user feedback are more likely to create high-quality AAA titles that appeal to a broad audience. By investing time and resources into the development process, game developers can create games that stand out in the market and provide an exceptional gaming experience for players.

10 Best Practices for Successful AAA Game Development

  1. Make it easy, yet addictive

Making the game easy to understand and play yet addictive is a crucial best practice for developing AAA games. A simple game has a shallow learning curve where players can quickly grasp the game mechanics without getting overwhelmed. At the same time, the game should have enough depth to keep players engaged and motivated to progress through it. Achieving a balance between ease and addiction is key to creating a successful AAA game.

  1. Provide a Great First 15 Minutes of Easily Accessible Play

A player has to be captivated in the first 15 minutes of the game or they will never get back to play that game. There are three ways to do this: (1) captivate the audience through an interesting introduction to the game; (2) the user interface (UI) should be easy to navigate without tedious pre-game tasks; and (3) place only manageable number of choices in the beginning of the game that gradually ramp up in complexity as the game progresses (also known as the inverted pyramid of decision making). 

The aim is to get the player absorbed and enjoying the game as soon as possible, with as little difficulty as possible. If done right, the user will find themselves immersed in the game for long periods of time.

Games that require a lot of preparation from the player, such as those with unusual controls, characters, or backstories, need to come up with video tutorials or other ingenious ways to teach the player while entertaining them.

  1. Differentiate Game Mechanics From Content

Another best practice in AAA game development is to differentiate game mechanics from content. Game mechanics are the rules, systems, and interactions that make up the gameplay experience, while content refers to the assets, such as levels, characters, and storylines, that are used to create the game world. Separating these two elements allows for greater flexibility and scalability in the game development process, making it easier to modify or add new content without affecting the underlying mechanics.

  1. Keep in Mind the Varying Screen Sizes

With the proliferation of different devices with varying screen sizes, especially in the battle of mobile game development, it’s important to keep this in mind when developing AAA games. Designing games to be responsive and scalable to different screen sizes ensures that the game can be enjoyed by players on a wide range of devices, from smartphones to desktops.

Putting each element adaptable to different screen sizes could be a daunting task. Some developers place them relative to the reference corners. Game development frameworks such as Cocos2D and SpriteBuilder makes flexible designing easier with the help of relative layouts. By using responsive design techniques, developers can create a consistent and enjoyable gaming experience across all devices.

User Interface of Sprite Builder (Source:

  1. Integrate Time-Dependent Actions With the Game Engine Timer

Integrating time-dependent actions with the game engine’s timer is another best practice in AAA game development. This means that all actions that are dependent on time, such as animations, transitions, or effects, should be synchronized. This ensures that the game runs smoothly and is not affected by variations in the device’s hardware or performance.

  1. Create a Game Design Document

Creating a game design document is a critical best practice for AAA game development. Also known as the gameplay file, this document outlines the game’s mechanics, gameplay, story, and characters and serves as a blueprint for the game development team. It helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page, removes unrealistic expectations, and provides a reference point for decision-making throughout the development process. 

The document should be regularly updated and reviewed, reflecting feedback and suggestions on the actual gameplay. This will ensure that the game is meeting its objectives and staying true to its vision.

  1. Choose the Right Graphic Tools

Choosing the right graphic tools is essential to creating high-quality graphics for AAA games. Many developers with game development studios use advanced graphic tools like Maya, Blender, and 3D Studio Max, among others, to create high-quality 3D models, animations, textures, and other visual effects that are used in the game. These tools allow developers to create detailed and realistic game environments, sound effects, characters, and objects that enhance the player’s experience.

User Interface of Blender (Source:

  1. Use Version Control tools

Version control is a critical best practice for AAA game development. It is essential to keep track of changes made to the game’s code, assets, and other files throughout the development process. Version control systems like Git, SVN, and Perforce help developers manage changes, collaborate with other team members, and maintain a history of the game’s development. 

By using version control, developers can easily revert to a previous version of the game if necessary and ensure that everyone is working on the same version of the game. This helps to reduce errors, improve productivity, and ensure that the game is delivered on time and within budget.

User Interface of Perforce (Source:

  1. Consider the cross-platform game development process

Cross-platform game development refers to the process of creating games that can be played on multiple platforms, such as PCs, mobile devices, and consoles, among others all at once. Here are some of the cross-platform game development processes:

  • Game Engines: Using a game engine is one of the most popular ways of developing cross-platform games. Game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine provide developers with tools and features that make it easy to develop games that can be played on multiple platforms.
  • Web technologies: Developers can also use web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to create games that can be played on multiple platforms through a web browser. This approach is particularly useful for developing casual games that do not require advanced graphics or complex gameplay.
  • Native Development – Developers can also use native development to create cross-platform games. This involves developing the game using platform-specific programming languages and tools like Java for Android and Swift for iOS. The code is then compiled for the target platforms.
  • Hybrid Development – Hybrid development involves using a combination of native development and web technologies to create cross-platform games. This approach allows developers to take advantage of the benefits of both native and web development.
  • Cloud Gaming – Cloud gaming is a relatively new concept that allows games to be played on multiple platforms without the need for expensive hardware. This approach involves streaming the game from a server to the player’s device, making it possible to play the same game on different devices.
  1. Keeping Up with Trends
    The gaming industry is ever-changing. AR/VR, 5G, eSports, and business inclusivity are all important developments to keep an eye on. In a survey conducted for game developers, more than 75% of respondents say that either AR or VR will have at least some impact on the game development process by 2025. While 33% say it will have a major impact.

How DAPPX Complements the AAA Game Development Process?

DAPPX is a game publishing platform powered by Acent technology. As the “Steam of Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games”, DAPPX can host different genres of video and mobile games, from simple turn-based games to AAA games. It merges the three market forces: 1) the P2E gamers; 2) the game developers; and 3) the blockchain industry.

Overview of DAPPX Technology

Compared to other large publishing platforms such as Epic Games or Steam, DAPPX is an ideal platform for game developers who want to launch AAA P2E games but do not have blockchain knowledge. DAPPX provides the right tools for launching blockchain-based games that will not only save time but also keep developers from outrageous fees or sales quota requirements before earning from their game.

Among the common pitfalls of game development that DAPPX is responding to are the following:

  • lack of engaging gameplay in P2E games brought about by overly simple or uninspired gameplay;
  • absence of good gaming elements due to the large data requirements of blockchain-based games;
  • limited monetization options in blockchain games;
  • developers are pressured to do much with little budget, and
  • many others.

The DAPPX team takes all of these things into account when it works with game developers in the video game industry or in mobile game development. Here are some of the DAPPX publishing features that can help make the game development process for Triple-A games even better:

  1. Launchpad for games and apps

Game designers who intend to integrate play-to-earn and blockchain-based game features into their game mechanics may utilize DAPPX as a launchpad for their games and applications.

DAPPX accomodates PC games or mobile games that are designed using Unity and the Unreal Engine. Coba Royale is an example of a PC game published on DAPPX that was made with Unreal Engine 5.

Moreover, the resulting P2E products are published in the Acent’s metaweb, i.e., Your Earth DAO. This can enhance the existing game content without dealing with a simple line of code for metaverse interaction. This is revolutionary, as it will allow casual gamers to access their favorite mobile or AAA game from a metaverse.

  1. Business incubation or launchpad through tokenization

Game developers who want to integrate tokens with real-world value into their game mechanics can take advantage of the DAPPX tokenization feature. DAPPX allows any game designer to develop and integrate their own tokens in the game that can be utilized further as governance tokens, revenue-sharing tokens, or in-game currency tokens. DAPPX can also help developers convert their in-game digital assets to become NFTs.

Tokenization has also become a proven means for crowdfunding because it allows digital assets to be fractionalized. Tokenization makes it possible for small game developers to take part in crowdfunding campaigns by letting gamers or other people buy tokens that represent ownership in an asset or project. 

  1. DAPPX Inventory Service

The DAPPX Inventory Service allows game developers to manage and store NFT items without having to have special servers to manage users or items.

  1. DAPPX Desktop Interface & NFT Marketplace

DAPPX has a special interface designed solely for meta-application publishing. This sophisticated technology behind DAPPX offers scalable speed and data processing for decentralized applications. It enables decentralized assets in game development to operate in a high-performance environment. This is expected to facilitate the widespread adoption of decentralized ecosystems.

DAPPX portal also hosts an NFT marketplace where developers and users can trade their in-game digital assets.

The best part is that developers need not write a single line of code to deploy smart contracts and build P2E apps. They will only be required to sign up and sign in at DAPPX and avail its creation and publishing services for blockchain apps for the entire game.

  1. Access to marketing services

Developers of decentralized apps such as P2E and YED meta-apps may take advantage of the online marketing services provided by DAPPX and reach new audiences. DAPPX is being built to become the decentralized equivalent of a one-stop application version of Google Play or the Apple App Store in the metaweb.

For other benefits that developers can gain from DAPPX, read also “Reach new audiences and monetize your game projects with DAPPX.”


Game development is a complex process that involves multiple stages. The best AAA games on the market generally underwent a tedious development process involving some of the best practices mentioned above.

DAPPX is a game publishing platform that offers innovative and sustainable means for developers to create AAA play-to-earn games. With no outrageous fees and a wide range of service features, DAPPX is revolutionizing the growth of P2E games as a gateway for mass blockchain adoption. Developers can launch their apps and tokens by using DAPPX’s launchpad. These tokens with real world value can be used as governance tokens, revenue-sharing tokens, or in-game currency tokens.

DAPPX’s focus on play-to-earn games is particularly important as this new concept merges gaming with earning. As the popularity of P2E games continues to grow, it’s essential to have a reliable platform that can handle the demand. With its comprehensive tool to launch P2E games and its focus on helping developers create successful projects, DAPPX is an excellent choice for anyone looking to get into this exciting new field.

If you’re interested in creating your own triple-A play-to-earn game or want to learn more about how DAPPX can help you reach new audiences, you can now join the alpha DAPPX Developer Program and start collaborating with the DAPPX team. 

Apply now here!

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